Brookfield Zoo

Our little family decided to take a day trip to Chicago and visit Brookfield Zoo. Ok, so it’s not exactly beauty in “the bend,” but this zoo was stunning nonetheless 😉

AAApril 186

Sleepy rhino


AAApril 304

I’m not happy with the outcome of this picture color-wise but I couldn’t resist capturing their brand-new baby gorilla Nora and her mama. 🙂

AAApril 224

karma karma karma chameleooooon

AAApril 222


Jellies that looked more like snowflakes than jellyfish

AAApril 256

AAApril 213

This little lady was so friendly, she bent her long neck all the way down so I could practically kiss her nose. I loved spending time with her.

AAApril 366

We didn’t have time to stop and take pictures of the architecture, which I was looking forward to, (next time!) but as we were leaving, the sky put on a beautiful show for us, so I took this one for my mama, as she recently developed an affinity for capturing steeples.

One thought on “Brookfield Zoo

  1. Beautiful, and thanks for the steeple! 🙂

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